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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

she make me confiussss

 Tadi aku pegi post office. buad ap? tkpyah tahu lah org pegi post office buad ap lg kalau bukan post  barang, bayar bil. takkan nk swimming, beli barang runcit pulak kan dlm tu. :)

So time tu aku tgh buad ap ek? tk igt pulak dh. hihi. then ad sorang chinese ni. 
she ask the person at the counter. I don't what are they talking about before this, bt I heard she said
dia ulang banyak kali. maybe org counter tu ckp tksame kot. entohhhlee tkdengoo pulokkk hehe 
peace yooo 

And aku pn dengar lah. k aku ni memang penyebok pn -.-
aku tktau pulak ap orang counter tu jawab.

The conclusion is, I'm still confius with her question. bg aku sama je tu. 
dh dh korang tkpyah lah sebok sebok nk fikir same ke tk. tkpenting pn
jangan nk penuhkan sampah dlm otak korang pulak ye . :D

Terima kasih kerana membaca
Membaca tu kan amalan mulia. :P 
Assalamualaikum :)