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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The feeling comes again
You don't know what I feel right now :'/
Can I kill a person now? Jk. K don't be scared cause I don't have the courageous to kill a person lg.
I just feel soooo... hmm I don't know how to describe my feeling
maybe I was too sensitive
maybe it just a small matter
maybe maybe and maybe it doesn't important at all

I don't know why I should feel like this
Can I don't be hiprokit in front of others?
Pretending like I'm happy bt infact I feel so .. damn! 
Like a child saw her parents call other kids honey, darling padahal the nickname is just fr her !
You know what is her feeling right? It just a example to describe what I feel right now and tkde kena mengena dengan my parents :')

Assalamualaikum <3