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Sunday, January 29, 2012

1.55AM 30.01.2012
 I'm still on the chat with Nur Haziqah Russli and Atie Hayati. They make me laugh in the middle of night. :D

I don't know what to post this tonight, or maybe morning? cause its already 2AM. okay whatever. :)

Truster is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistakes we make

everyone make mistakes, so do I. 
Life must be go on and we have to forget the past.
Let bygones be bygones right? I know it.
k just stop it before I tell you everything which I shouldn't. 
and thanks fr listening to my story Mai Iloveyou ;)

Can you try to put a lot of thing into a small bag and see what happen to the beg.
Haha. I'm not asking you to do experiment while reading my blog. 
Just it's all about my feeling. ignore it :)
aku cengeng sebenarnya. kena marah siket je nanges. bila lapar tkde makanan nk makan pn mcm nk nanges je rasanya, bila marah orang bukan orang tu yang nanges, aku. haha :P
Igt lg time f3, Yuzwan baling benda terkena mata. ap lagi terkejut boleh ternangis pulak . Childish :)
but i'm getting older. *I mean dewasa, and berfikiran matang :)
the childish attitude will say bye to me tklama lg . huh? I am the one who supposed to say bye right? 

So when I keep the problems inside of me. I'm thinking when will I explode like the Frog's mom.
 pity on it. :( stop drama-ing. hihi. it's just a story fr primary students :)

I'm sleepy and time for me to sleep now. 
Assalamualaikum <3