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Friday, January 27, 2012

Facebook the social network

Facebook lagiii. hihi lu taknak bace pegi sanaaa blahhh jauh jauh. wa tkkesah. byebye ;D

okayy, lets begin the entry. facebook ni tempat ap sebenarnyaa eh? nk carik PUBLISITI? myb or whatsoever lahhh. First  - I don't know why certain people like to update status bunyiknya mcmgini. dengar tau jangan tk dengar :P

 1. baru sehari tkonl dh ad xxxxx orang send friend request penatnyee tangan nk app nanti. 
(erkkkkk -.- peeehhhlissss lahh awk nk termuntah sy bacee tahu takkkk ?)

2. wahh taksangka xxxxx orangg wish birthday sy. tennkiuu loveyou. 
(hotakk hangg lahhh tu pun nk bgtau the whole facebookers. annoyingg wa bacee tahu takkk)

3. Friends aku skg dh ad xxxxx
(bengong eh kau -.-) 

the second one I'll update next time. wa lupa nk post apedahh hihi. 

Assalamualaikum <3