
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


0023 AM.
 i'm kinda sleepy bt i dont want to sleep lg. youkknowwhy? because nt mesti tkdpt tidur punya, golek golek ats katil brp jam bru lah tertidur. hihi. stupidoooo weirdooo people. -.-

bila boring dkt ruma, tgn gatal je nk pegi buad buku addmth. hahah mengada. see you are weird budak. bila time skolah tknk pulok buad.pemalas tahap gila gila pengantin. haha .sepakkk jauh jauh karang. 

 sometimes i cant sleep because i'm thinking about my SPM result. God, seriously i want straight A's. I keep praying to You so my dream will come true. i want to be a successful business woman and further my study on abroad. Amin :)

bt most of time is because i'm thinking of you. hihi. What are you doing eventhough we are on the phone,
texting only. I'm thinking all about you. haha :D 
we went out together on that day and i'm not talking too much with you. act i'm kinda shy, hahaha. okayyy, I'M SERIOUS. 
I really dont know wht to say when i'm with you. Just like the song Hatiku Milikmu, by Nera
'Di sisimu aku terdiam seribu bahasa,
Di hatiku bergetar sejuta rasa. '
haha. it sound like this i think. Fr those who are reading my stupido entry, don't laugh or try to tease me if we meet :D
thankyou. haha Bt i really mean it. I just don't know why. So just give me times, em i mean  A LOT OF  time fr me okay and i'm sure next time i will hv more merepek kerepek story fr you. :D

  ok thats all kbaii. <3
Assalamualaikum :)

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://html.expresso.me/smileys