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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya

 Berlalu lhaa sudahhh Ramadan
Sebulan Berpuasa
Tiba syawal kita rayakan
Dengan rasa gembira
Anak muda di rantauan
Semuanya pulang ke desa
Ibu dan ayah keriangan 
Bersyukur tkterkira 
lalalalalalala ~
okayy time passing just like the water flow. so fast till i can't believe we are approaching September. ohhh September? my little brother's birthdayy, friends birthday,Eid and for sure the most important is TRIAL. why must in September? We , as the form five students cannot enjoyy our Eid happily, enjoylyy. but i don't mind. why ? Because i didn't go back to myy hometown to celebrate Eid withh my lovelyyyyyyyyyyy cousin, aunt, uncle, niece. haishhh. so boringgg right? okayy nevermind. i still have my little family here. <3 ilovethem muahhh

after Eid we have to face the book *not fecebook ehh?* for 4 week. FOUR WEEK DHER! no facebooking, blogging, youtubing, y3.com ouhhh myy goshh. it gonna make my brain clogged with all the subject BM BI MATH SEJ AGAMA PA EA MATHPLUS PHYSICS and CHEMIST. i hope i will get the best result. ofc 10A. i dont care it is A+ or A or A- . as long as the letter is A. hihi. soo my readers *i know i don't have many readers* prayyy for me okayyy. i really mean it. not just for my trial. for my real SPM too. i don't want to make my family and my teachers dissapointed. Thankyouu. byeee

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Batin
I'm sorryy cause i have done so many mistakes to all of youu. i am a human being also right? hihi. so, forgive me yeahhh. Forgive and Forget lhaa ehh. Let bygones be bygones. :D
Assalamualaikum (: